Monday 28 March 2011

The importance of Quran.

The importance of Quran.
Quran is important for Muslims because it is the holy book of Islam religion and real God words revealed to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril). Reciting Quran by Muslims is an important worship that provides Muslims with peace and comfort and brings them closer to God. In addition, Quran:

Calls for worship of Allah (God), the one and only one God, with no
partner and no companion and no son

corrects previous faiths and previous holy book texts from alterations introduced by human

describes ritual worship and relevant obligations

sets God commands as for what to do and what not to do

lays down basis for true faith and right path to God

states tales of old nations for gaining lessons for true faith and good life

gives scientific statements that were only validated by current technologies and discoveries to provide evidences on the authenticity and miracle of Quran as God revelation and not human written text.

reminds with the Day of Judgment to be prepared for it and

describes the 2nd life and the paradise and hell fire.
morals of life to benefits of Muslims and all mankind.

guides and commands for rituals and worshiping God including prayers, fasting, pilgrimage, etc.

rules of marriage, divorce, inheritance, finance, .... etc.

tales about old nations to get advice and wisdom

Reminding Christians and Jewish with the right path of their religions and the correct commands and guides in their holy books. Quran explains the deviations in their holy book texts and the basic deviations from the natural evolutionary course of religion that were introduced, namely the divinity of Jesus and the Judaic exclusiveness (claiming arbitrarily a special position with God exclusively for themselves), and inviting them to the new message which subsumes all what is true in their Scriptures.

calling Muslims to think deliberately in God creations that is the right way to believe in God. In this regards, Quran contained a wide variety of scientific statements that become only proven by state of art of technology, science, and information. These scientific statements are considered as miracles of Quran that prove Quran is a God revelation and not human wrote text.

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